I'm Tristan Tate. The smarter and better looking half of the Tate brothers.
Fortune favours the prepared mind. Kickboxer, Father, Businessman. Brother of @cobratate .

I'm Tristan Tate. The smarter and better looking half of the Tate brothers.
Fortune favours the prepared mind. Kickboxer, Father, Businessman. Brother of @cobratate .

I'm Tristan Tate. The smarter and better looking half of the Tate brothers.
Fortune favours the prepared mind. Kickboxer, Father, Businessman. Brother of @cobratate .

I'm Tristan Tate. The smarter and better looking half of the Tate brothers.
Fortune favours the prepared mind. Kickboxer, Father, Businessman. Brother of @cobratate .
I was a kickboxer and become the European Kickboxing Champion.
I was a kickboxer and become the European Kickboxing Champion.
I was a kickboxer and become the European Kickboxing Champion.
From the age of 17-28, I was a Kickboxer and won the European Championship Title.
Fighting taught me a lot about life and it's good to look back on this period of time.
From the age of 17-28, I was a Kickboxer and won the European Championship Title.
Fighting taught me a lot about life and it's good to look back on this period of time.
From the age of 17-28, I was a Kickboxer and won the European Championship Title.
Fighting taught me a lot about life and it's good to look back on this period of time.

Becoming a billionaire
Becoming a billionaire

After ending my career in kickboxing , I started to take on various business opportunities.
Hustlers University, which later rebranded into The Real World, was launched in 2021.
The War Room is an organization for people to connect and do business with each other.
All of this allowed me to becoming very financially successful.
After ending my career in kickboxing , I started to take on various business opportunities.
Hustlers University, which later rebranded into The Real World, was launched in 2021.
The War Room is an organization for people to connect and do business with each other.
All of this allowed me to becoming very financially successful.
After ending my career in kickboxing , I started to take on various business opportunities.
Hustlers University, which later rebranded into The Real World, was launched in 2021.
The War Room is an organization for people to connect and do business with each other.
All of this allowed me to becoming very financially successful.
Let's look at my suits collection
Let's look at my suits collection
Cars and suits, what else do you need ?
Cars and suits, what else do you need ?

Why do I have them ? For the brokies.
Why do I have them ? For the brokies.
Who said smoking can't look excellent ?
Who said smoking can't look excellent ?
Brotherhood is one of the most important things in life.
Brotherhood is one of the most important things in life.
"If you don't have any kind of fraternity, you are certain to be destroyed"

Daily posts about my life, cars, opinions etc.
Daily posts about my life, cars, opinions etc.
With X being the only of 2 sites that aren't controlled by the Matrix, you can receive all my content on there.
Tate Confidential, Emergency Meetings and Cigar Nights
Tate Confidential, Emergency Meetings and Cigar Nights
Rumble is the other platform that isn't controlled by the Matrix.
I will occasionally do a Cigar Night on there and we broadcast our streams and videos on there.